OLYMPIA - At 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, the city of Olympia Finance Committee is scheduled to have a preliminary discussion of the city’s operating budget for 2021. City staff will share revenue and expense projections, discuss the budget of the police department and seek input on future public safety funding, according to the committee agenda.
The Finance Committee will also consider a small utility rate increase for 2021 for storm and surface water and for the LOTT Clean Water Alliance. Rates for drinking water and wastewater would remain at 2020 levels. It will also discuss utility rates for the Lifeline program, which serves low-income ratepayers.
The Olympia Finance Committee meeting begins at 5:30 pm and is accessible by zoom link at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4axa7ZRJSJ6FvcKsLa2NyA. Prior registration is necessary.
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