Olympia joins the nation in observing Dr. Martin Luther King Day on Jan. 20 with a proclamation that honors the life of Dr. King for his dedication to the nonviolent crusade for human rights and his commitment to the values of equality, justice and opportunity for all.
In a shared reading of the proclamation on Tuesday, Jan. 14, council members emphasized Dr. King's vision and its continued relevance today, stating, "As the forces of hate and oppression rise in the world, Dr. King reminds us that the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
Dr. Thelma Jackson, representing the New Life Baptist Church, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the community.
"We deeply appreciate this proclamation that you present in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King," she said.
"As we face the kinds of things we're facing in this country, where there's so much racism, there's so much hatred, we call upon this community to reexamine the things that Dr. King stood for," she added.
Jackson urged the council and the community to make Dr. King's ideals more than just words, saying, "his dream is not dead, but it dies if we leave it to just a day off and a day of service."
She invited the council and community to join the celebration of Dr. King's birthday at the New Life Baptist Church on Jan. 20.
The council's proclamation concluded by urging the community to participate in acts of service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and throughout the year to pay tribute to Dr. King's life and work.
6 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
Has anyone had more orgies than MLK? I remember after we immigrated how my mother wanted no part of this man after learning of the antics. And, after a few decades, some seems to be disappearing. Hmmm.
Friday, January 17 Report this
@Honestyandrealityguy You need to check your username again because it is most unbeffiting of your ignorance. Take your hatred elsewhere.
Saturday, January 18 Report this
Thank you for this article. I look forward to honoring our fellow human being Dr. Martin Luther King on Monday.
Saturday, January 18 Report this
Thank you for this article, and thank you, Olympia, for your support of of MLK Jr.
Tuesday, January 21 Report this
Yeah honor a man who called himself a "Rev". Sleeping with numerous women in hotels. Even Ralph Abernathy confirmed that. Just a stooge for CPUSA.
Wednesday, January 22 Report this
Thursday, January 23 Report this