Olympia strikes all references to Log Cabin Road Extension in the city ordinance

City council responded to neighbors' who protested planned road that would have cut through LBA Woods 


The Olympia City Council put an end to the concept of a Log Cabin Road Extension as its members agreed to delete all of its references to it in the city ordinance during its regular council meeting on Tue., Nov. 16. 

In a presentation for the 2021 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Olympia Principal Planner Joyce Philips suggested the complete removal of all references to the Log Cabin Road Extension in the city’s ordinance.

The formerly planned road would have cut across the LBA Woods. Initially, the city had considered reviving talks about the proposal however through community feedback, the planning department believed it is best to completely remove the road, both in the city’s language and in its maps.

During the public hearing, an Olympia resident, Michael Ruth, expressed his concern, “We can’t seem to get the road off the map.” In response, Philips explained that Ruth had referenced an earlier draft, and assured that the new amendment would completely strike the street off the map.

Several community members also shared their support for the complete removal of the Log Cabin Road Extension. Larry Dzieza said, “While your vote is a small step to address the climate crisis, it is a huge step because it marks the fundamental change.”

In a unanimous vote, the city council approved the amendment. For the next step, Philipps shared that a revised version of the ordinance will be brought back to the council for final reading.


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