Lacey Police Department
Hannah Rose Bracy, 29, was arrested around 2:37 p.m. in the 600 block of 4th Avenue East. She was charged with domestic violence.
Joshua M. Beacon, 32, was arrested around 8:06 p.m. in the 700 block of Sleater-Kinney Road Southeast. He was charged with malicious mischief.
Olympia Police Department
Kimberly Jene Johnson, 42, was arrested around 9:40 a.m. in the 400 block of Franklin Street Northeast. She had a warrant for her arrest issued from outside of Olympia.
Ralphy Harry, 38, was arrested around 5 p.m. in the 500 block of Lilly Road Southeast. He was charged with robbery, assault, and harassment. He also had a warrant for his arrest issued from outside of Olympia.
Chad A. Augg, 37, was arrested around 8:03 p.m. in the intersection of Wheeler Avenue Southeast and Eastside Street Southeast. He was charged with assault.
Tumwater Police Department
Christian Robert James Smith, 20, was arrested around 12:15 a.m. in the intersection of Kimmie Street Southwest and 83rd Avenue Southwest. He had a warrant for his arrest issued from outside of Tumwater.
Ryan M. Spivey, 25, was arrested around 8:47 a.m. in the 800 block of Israel Road Southwest. He was charged with driving without a license.
Brian M. Tast, 34, was arrested around 6:11 p.m. in the 1100 block of Kingswood Drive Southwest. He was charged with shoplifting and had a warrant for his arrest issued from outside of Tumwater.
Fredrick Edward Shipp, 58, was arrested around 7:30 p.m. in the 1100 block of Kingswood Drive Southwest. He was charged with shoplifting and obstructing a law enforcement officer.
Julio N. Gonzalez, 33, was arrested around 7:30 p.m. in the 1100 block of Kingswood Drive Southwest. He was charged with shoplifting.
Yelm Police Department
David E. Jackman, 52, was arrested around 2:57 a.m. in the 200 block of Yelm Avenue East. He was charged with driving without a license.
Krista Marie Vazquez, 25, was arrested around 4:27 p.m. in the 9900 block of Dragt Street Southeast. She was charged with aiming or discharging a dangerous weapon.
Thurston County Sheriff
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of a burglary alarm around 1:51 a.m. in the 7800 block of Pacific Avenue Southeast in Olympia. Other burglaries were reported around 3:04 a.m. in the 3200 block of Cooper Point Road Northwest in Olympia, around 3:13 a.m. in the 300 block of Alaska Street South in Rainier, around 7:12 a.m. in the 2100 block of Mark Street Northeast in Olympia, around 9:45 a.m. in the 600 block of Bavarian Lane Southeast in Olympia, around 8:04 p.m. in the 9200 block of Longhorn Loop Southeast in Olympia, and around 9:09 p.m. in the 5700 block of Rehklau Road Southeast in Olympia.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of theft around 5:17 a.m. in the 100 block of Copper Wood Lane Southeast in Olympia.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of burglary around 7:29 a.m. in the 2600 block of Angus Drive Southeast in Tenino. A second call of burglary occurred around 8:31 a.m. in the 5200 block of Kinney Road Southwest in Olympia.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of a vehicle prowl around 7:54 a.m. in the 2600 block of Angus Drive Southeast in Tenino.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of a runaway around 8:24 a.m. in the 11500 block of 6th Avenue Southeast in Olympia.
Sheriff’s deputies were called to keep the peace around 9:04 a.m. in the 16500 block for Christian Lane Southwest in Rochester. A second call was received around 11:45 a.m. in the same block.
Sheriff’s deputies assisted with a fire around 9:09 a.m. in the 6500 block of Turnberry Lane Southeast in Olympia. Other calls yesterday involving assisting with a fire occurred around 12:52 p.m. in the intersection of Rainier Road Southeast and Military Road Southeast in Tenino, around 4:46 p.m. in the intersection of Old McKenna Road Southeast and State Road 507 in Yelm (and again at around 4:58 p.m.), and around 9:11 p.m. in the 11800 block of Blueglacier Lane Southeast in Yelm.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of auto theft around 9:31 a.m. in the 7600 block of 19th Lane Southeast in Olympia.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of trespass around 4:14 p.m. in the 2500 block of Island Drive Northwest in Olympia. A second call of trespass was made around 6:23 p.m. in the 14400 block of George Road Southeast in Yelm.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of a residential structure around 5:05 p.m. in the 1900 block of Mayes Road Southeast in Olympia. A second call occurred around 7:57 p.m. in the 3200 block of 78th Avenue Southeast in Olympia.
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