When I was about 4 years old, our gas stove exploded, and our house burned to the ground. Fortunately, no one was home at the time.
One of my first memories is that of sitting on the edge of the foundation of that house watching my mother sift through the ashes. She eventually found one fork.
Since then, I have had a very healthy respect for fire, and my heart goes out to those who have lost their homes in the Los Angeles area.
Because it’s not just the brick and mortar that is gone.
“Stuff” can always be replaced. But there are always special things handed down from generation to generation, along with memorable times and traditions that take place in a home.
Today, thanks to technology, we can back up important documents and pictures to the cloud, and if you have not already, I would suggest you consider doing this or transfer certain papers to a safety deposit box.
We live in a wonderous wooded environment and rainfall aside; the possibility of fire always surrounds us. While we cannot prevent everything Mother Nature and man throws our way, there are some steps we can take to escape fire danger.
How to get ready
Wildfires can flare up quickly, leaving people very little time to evacuate. Follow these steps to help make sure your family is prepared to either evacuate or shelter in place.
Other important items
More tips
Back your car into the garage or park it outside, facing the direction of your evacuation route.
Keep your pets in one room, so you can find them if you need to evacuate quickly. Pet supplies -- leashes, carriers, food, water, bowls, litter, litterbox and photos of you with your pet in case you are separated.
Limit exposure to smoke and dust. Keep indoor air clean by closing windows and doors to prevent outside smoke from getting in.
Do not use anything that burns, such as candles, fireplaces, gas stoves or generators.
If you are trapped outdoors, crouch in a pond, river or pool. If there is no body of water, look for shelter in a clear area or among a bed of rocks. Lie flat, face-down and cover your body with soil. Breathe the air close to the ground to avoid scorching your lungs or inhaling smoke.
Be informed
Find out how local officials will contact you during a wildfire emergency and how you will get important information, such as evacuation orders. For more information on Thurston County Emergency Plans go to
FEMA contact information: https://www.fema.gov/assistance
There is more information at https://tcomm911.org/
You can also download the free Red Cross Emergency app for real-time alerts, open Red Cross shelter locations and get expert advice on wildfires in both English and Spanish. Search “American Red Cross” in app stores or go to redcross.org/apps.
Find more information at redcross.org
Kathleen Anderson writes her column each week from her home in Olympia. Contact her at kathleen@theJOLTnews.com or post your comments.
6 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
This is excellent information. I would add: make sure you have the Thurston Alerts on your cellphone (sign up at https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/reg.action?pa=tcwa) and that you can get your car out of the garage if the power is out. I know it seems as if wildfires are far away from our wet environment, but I often get red flag warnings on my phone for nearby areas. When I moved here from a wildfire zone in N. California 4 years ago, I looked around and thought, "Well we have about 20-25 years before Lacey is like N. Calif." Remember WA was in drought and we had watering restrictions in Lacey last summer.
Wednesday, January 15 Report this
Kathleen, thank you, a useful checklist to merge with your Earthquake list, where possible.
One important additional point, wear long sleeve and full length COTTON clothes and hat. (NO ARTIFICIAL FIBERS other than fireproof types) Wear leather gloves and leather high top shoes.
RAYON is extremely flammable, nylon, and polyesters can melt right into your skin.
Carry a gallon of water to wet down your clothes, if you have to abandon your vehicle.
Wednesday, January 15 Report this
Thank you for all of this informative information. Will share.
Thursday, January 16 Report this
Kathleen, such good advice. I just got a message from my Aunt in California. It is a list of documents & copies of important papers u should have in one place in case of fire or other natural disaster. Https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/prepare-for-and-survive-a-wildfire. Either keep in fireproof safe, the cloud & have in an easily accessible place to grab if u only have minutes to escape.
Thursday, January 16 Report this
The Democrats running California apparently have no clue how to prepare for disasters. I recommend voting for Republicans. The governor of Florida knows that there will be hurricanes and prepares the state for them. I guess Democrats forgot that wildfires spread by wind are common in California. They'd rather sit at their desks and blame climate change. Guess what! You need to prepare for the effects of climate change!! Here in Washington state Democrats are replacing failed Democrats. Hmmmm. New faces; same policies?
Friday, January 17 Report this
If your roof is comprised of wood shingles, replace them with something less flamamble. Clear a zone around your home of flammable vegetation; the fire department can advise. The last suggestion may not be practical in our wooded PNW environment, but it certainly would have helped save some homes in Southern California.
Wednesday, January 22 Report this