LACEY — Michael Reinoehl pointed a gun at members of a federal task force before being gunned down, investigators said Thursday.
Reinoehl’s death near Lacey on Sept. 3 has drawn widespread media attention and scrutiny. While the U.S. Marshal service said in a statement that Reinoehl pointed a gun at responding officers, the lead investigating agency had, until Thursday, declined to comment on any of Reinoehl’s reportedly threatening actions before he was shot.
Reinoehl was shot and killed by a U.S. Marshal-led task force attempting to arrest him for a shooting death in Portland during ongoing protests in the city. Reinoehl was seen leaving an apartment building near Lacey and getting into a car. Officers approached him and multiple shots were fired. Reinoehl left the vehicle and ran, leading to more gunshots and his death.
The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) is leading the investigation, and their statement reads in part that investigators “can confirm at this point that Mr. Reinoehl pointed the handgun that he had in his possession at the officers at the time of the shooting.” The handgun was described as a .380 caliber semiautomatic weapon. A fired shell casing of the same caliber was found inside Reinoehl’s car.
According to the TCSO, the Aug. 29 Portland shooting death of Aaron Danielson — for which Reinhoehl was the prime suspect — was also from a .380 caliber gun.
Although the casing matches the caliber of the gun, it can’t be confirmed that the round was fired from Reinoehl’s gun until ballistics testing is completed at the Washington State Patrol crime lab.
Investigators also found an AR-15-style .22 caliber rifle in Reinoehl’s car. The serial number had been removed from the gun. Both guns will be sent to the Washington State Patrol crime lab for testing.
Witnesses’ statements to various media outlets have differed on whether or not Reinoehl pointed a weapon at responding officers before he was shot. The U.S. Marshal service, in a statement, said in-part: “Initial reports indicate the suspect produced a firearm, threatening the lives of law enforcement officers. Task force members responded to the threat and struck the suspect who was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock said Reinoehl died from gunshot wounds to the head and torso.
Investigators do not have any video of the shooting, and are not aware of the existence of any.
The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office is asking that anyone who possesses video footage of the shooting to contact them. TCSO is also seeking any additional witnesses who have not yet identified themselves.
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