The restoration and repair of the partially burnt Brewmaster’s House is nearing completion, pending further ceiling and wallpaper work, Parks and Facilities Manager Stan Osborn told the Tumwater Public Works Committee on Thursday, April 18.
The historic structure, which was formerly called the Henderson House Museum and is located on Deschutes Way, was set on fire by a transient man in January 2023.
“The floors are done. Now they're just curing, so we've got to wait another week before we can open the front door and go in,” Osborn told the committee.
Osborn gave this update after briefing the committee about a change order request from Heritage Restoration Inc., which is working to restore the building.
The request is for the city to approve additional costs of $36,015 to purchase and install period-accurate wallpaper.
“We can do the ceilings once this [change order] is approved. And then I think we're all done,” Osborn added.
The manager explained that the costs to purchase and install the wallpapers were not included in the original contract, which was $268,606, as Heritage Restoration could only source the appropriate wallpapers after the city approved its contract.
“Some of that wallpaper that they chose was not being made anymore,” Osborn explained.
According to documents prepared for the meeting, Heritage Restoration already requested an additional budget of $13,913. The previous request did not require the committee or the city council’s authorization as it did not exceed 10% of the original contract. With the previous and current change order requests combined, it will increase the contract amount by 18.5%.
The city’s insurer, the Washington Cities Insurance Authority, has already approved the request and will also cover the additional costs.
Before closing the meeting, the committee endorsed the change order request, which will now be forwarded to the council as part of its consent agenda on May 5.
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