Staff member threatened at Union Gospel Mission

David Charles Hoyt shown being restrained at Union Gospel Mission on June 4, 2021.
Courtesy of Union Gospel Mission

A transient man allegedly began swinging at Union Gospel Mission staff with a spiked ball attached to a stick and had to be wrestled to the ground last Fri., June 4.

Olympia police responded to the organization’s Franklin St. facility and observed David Charles Hoyt, 50, being held to the ground by UGM security staff member Jared Bailey, 37.

On the ground next to Hoyt was the weapon, which “consisted of a metal handle, rope, and hard plastic ball with small metal spikes," according to the police report. Hoyt was bleeding from the nose and mouth when Bailey got off of him.

Bailey told OPD that Hoyt had been threatening UGM staff, loitering around the property and had spread his belongings across the railroad tracks next to the UGM building. Hoyt refused to comply, allegedly removing a three-pronged dagger and the stick with the ball on it out of his bags, threatening the staff. Bailey said that Hoyt moved toward him, “shoulder bumping” him and then raised the weapon. Bailey then took Hoyt to the ground.

Hoyt was booked into the Olympia Jail for a misdemeanor weapons violation.


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  • Lucinda

    David Hoyt has brain damage and autism. He has been mentally ill his whole life. Why didn't they just call the police to begin with and let them deal with him instead of provoking him the way they did? I'm not justifying David's actions but I feel like it could have been handled differently.

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