Tumwater hires consultants to work on 2025 comprehensive plans climate, transport components


Tumwater City Council approved the contract of two consultants to develop the climate element and the transportation plan of the 2025 comprehensive plan. The contracts were approved as part of the council’s consent agenda on Tuesday, April 16.

The council first authorized a service provider agreement with engineering firm EXP US Services Inc. to develop the climate element of the new comprehensive plan for a not-to-exceed amount of $319,880.

The climate element will be a new component of the comprehensive plan and will include two sub-elements. The resiliency sub-element will focus on the impact of local climate hazards on the city, while the second sub-element will focus on policies and measures to reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions.

According to documents prepared for the meeting, the draft climate element will be completed by September this year and finalized and adopted by June 2025.

The contract is wholly funded through a grant from the Washinton State Department of Commerce (Commerce).

The council also authorized a $304,925 contract with transportation consultant Fehr & Peers to work on the transportation plan and update the city’s transportation impact fee program.

The plan will guide the city’s transportation investments over the next 20 years. According to previous discussions, the updated transportation plan will include a new pedestrian and bicycle plan.

The contract's timeline showed that the draft of the document will be completed by March 2025 and adopted by the city council by November next year.

Commerce funds $200,000 of the contract through its periodic update and climate grant programs. The remainder of the contract is funded through the city’s general fund.


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  • Southsoundguy

    Climate change is a scam. The city is wasting our money.

    Monday, April 22 Report this