Hello City of Olympia, Land Use and Environment Committee Members;
Being involved with the Community Neighborhood Association, (CNA), I am concerned with the City of Olympia pushing the increase of "market-rate housing".
What about "low-income housing" in Olympia?
The city is pushing this effort for market-rate housing that only rich people can afford.
This is wrong.
Everyone can see that the City is not supporting poor people, they are supporting developers.
Market rate housing is expensive for the poor.
We need "low-income housing".
We need to protect mobile/manufactured home parks. We need to rezone them so that they are protected.
We need City impact fees.
We need utility connection fees.
We need these fees for the neighborhoods, for the people who have lived here for many years. They should not have to pay for "new development".
The impact fees should be used to support our community. We need impact fees, they are important.
The "Multi-Family (property) Tax Exemption" is a giveaway to developers.
We all know that.
It is the talk of the entire community. It does not produce more housing, it only gives more money to the pockets of developers.
You talk about producing more low-income housing. We need more Housing and Urban Development ( HUD) housing.
We need to work with other cities, and the region, to build more HUD housing.
It takes a lot of time and effort to do this.
But HUD housing lasts for generations, and helps families.
~ L. Riner, Olympia 98502
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Ansolutely,,,,Along with LRC (lived experience coalition)
But first, Establish a command center to focus on individuals experiencing chronic homelessness with an emphasis on equity
Create emergency housing for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness while waitng for permanent supportive housing
Provide individualized, on-demand services,, HIGHLIGHT devlopers who actually CREATE low income housing.. and FORCE ALL developers to be accouable for NOT creating low income hosung..
Utilize real time data.. thre is NO way that data in Lacey or Olympia is accurate ...
Focus on transparency, accountability, and evaluation with regular reporting to the public........ Thank Former WA Gov Gregorie and common sense for these ideas..
Monday, May 31, 2021 Report this
Market rate housing delivers higher property tax payments to the county. Follow the money.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 Report this
Our city councils for o-t-l- are elitists who care nothing for the residents who are low income or poverty. They have a wealth agenda that doesn't include those of us who live here making commerce work (cashiers, baristas, bar/ bud tenders, janitors, etc. .) what they seem to care about is building for an imagined future where us lower income folk move away and rich a-holes move in to replace us. As long as we're still willing to commute to our low paid service jobs so yuppies can get espresso and groceries and have clean toilet and such they will see it as a win. I'm wondering what would happen if low paid working class stopped playing the game? Stopped going to work until truly affordable housing was built within walking distance or short ride to jobs? Without the workers commerce is moot. Without affordable homes close to those jobs so should the businesses who don't pay enough to live on or help fight for housing that the average low income can afford be. You can't be an elitist business owner without someone who does the actual work.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 Report this