Dear Lexis,
I don’t get it.
You talk about the value of beliefs and how certain beliefs can serve you better than others, but what impact does that really have on your life? Why do you think that adopting particular beliefs helps?
~ Curious
Dear Curious,
I understand your hesitance; I’ve certainly been asked this question on many occasions. It can be hard to imagine how something so abstract can have an impact in our lives. It’s not something we tend to think about without cause: beliefs are often created in our youth and they serve us well enough. Why would we look at them any closer?
As someone who’s had the unfortunate experience of having my beliefs very dramatically fail on me though, I can say without doubt that our beliefs play a large role in our day-to-day lives. And while I’m certain there are any number of reasons to consider your beliefs, three stand out in my mind.
Perhaps the biggest impact of beliefs is on our perception. Another abstract concept, I know, but everything you experience is filtered through your beliefs. Experiences of the past have formed solidified concepts of how the world works and expectations of human behaviors.
There’s a saying that when you face the world with just a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Why is this so? Because when you have a hammer in your hand, you are only looking for problems that can be solved with it. It wouldn’t make much sense for you to consider every project that needs to be accomplished at that moment because you can’t do anything about most of them, so you narrow your focus.
All beliefs filter our perceptions in this way. When we expect the worst from other people, that is exactly what we see in them, despite the variety that must exist. However, in order to sift through the sheer volume of opportunities, we’ve learned to block out certain aspects of life and focus on others. Beliefs are how we do that. So, the question becomes, are you blocking/focusing on the right things?
When applied correctly, beliefs can provide us with hope, the life essence of accomplishment. By shifting our beliefs toward what’s possible, we quickly find renewed energy to do the things we once deemed impossible.
Ironically, we tend to block ourselves off from the things we care the most about, precisely because we care about them. When we care, we become afraid of losing, failing, or never getting what we want.
Most of our limiting beliefs center around our deepest desires and, as such, shifting these beliefs in a more positive direction can infuse our lives with a richness we long thought impossible.
Humans are very creative creatures. Our technology alone continues to develop at such a pace that most of us can’t keep up. Cell phones weren’t considered possible until after Star Trek and now they are so common that they are basically an extension of our hand.
And while ingenuity, and stubbornness, are factors, it’s the belief that something is possible that actually starts the process. Many of us approach the world as if the things we dream of are hopeless wishes we should give up on, but beliefs can literally shape the world to match our desire if we are willing to hold on through the challenges.
Beliefs can be complex, deeply rooted, and emotionally triggering; they can be tied to strong memories and, as such, be sentimental and hard to let go of. However, given the impact our beliefs can have, I encourage you to take some time to consider your founding beliefs. It may turn out that you don’t change anything, but making a conscious decision to re-embrace a belief can be just as powerful in your life as shifting one.
Whether you choose to evaluate your beliefs or not, I encourage an open mind.
I wish you luck in your life,
~ Lexis
Alexis Baker writes from her home in Olympia. Write to her at
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