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Now if the circumstances had been reversed...let's say it was the female candidate 'removing' the male's sign, just imagine the huge stink.

This was pure malice on Kunkel's part. I'm betting he's a misogynist. How decent of him to 'take it upon himself' to take down a sign on someone's private property. Clouse's sign on the property was 'trespassing' but Kunkel removing it wasn't? What next? Will he be taking down Biden signs?

And Kunkel says he removed it 'out of habit'. So he admits to stealing other candidate signs? How many times has he stolen the signs of an opponent?

And if he's done that, I wonder what other crimes he's committed.

His is typical behaviour: Deny Everything. Admit Nothing. Make counteraccusations.

Mr. Kunkel needs to resign his position. And Lacey City Council, you need to grow some hunyocks. BEcause it really DOES reflect on your pusillanimous response to what is obviously theft.

From: No censure for Lacey City Council members involved with removing a campaign sign

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