In a 4-2 vote, the Lacey City Council opted against censuring councilmembers Ed Kunkel and Lenny Greenstein, who were under scrutiny after a video came to light showing Kunkel removing a campaign sign from the grounds of a local business, accompanied by Greenstein.
The Olympian reported that the owner of Great NW Coffee Co. provided them with security camera video from July 7. The Olympian reported the incident on July 24.
Councilmember Robin Vazquez raised the motion just before the council work session on Thursday, July 27, ended.
“I think this is relevant to discuss here because it damages public trust in the City of Lacey,” said Vazquez.
Vazquez referred to RCW 29A.84.040, which tackles removing or defacing political advertising.
According to the law, “a person who removes or defaces lawfully placed political advertising including yard signs or billboards without authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable to the same extent as a misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021. The defacement or removal of each item constitutes a separate violation.”
Vazquez said the violation is “not becoming of a community leader,” adding that “it does not feel appropriate to say nothing about it.”
Lacey Mayor Andy Ryder, who opposed the motion, said he does not want the council to be involved in conversations about the election.
“I do not feel comfortable with this council making a comment, one way or the other, which has to do with elections,” said Ryder.
“I agree that this has not painted a couple of our council members in the best light,” he added. “I just don't feel like it's appropriate for us to talk about a campaign issue.”
Deputy Mayor Malcolm Miller also opposed the motion, saying he doesn't want to damage or cripple the council by cutting voices off.
“I'm willing to leave it to the [public] to decide who's going to represent them in the next four years,” said Miller.
The campaign sign is for District 5 Thurston County Commission candidate Emily Clouse. Councilmember Michael Steadman abstain in the vote because he is running for the same seat as the candidate whose sign was removed.
Councilmembers Vazquez and Carolyn Cox voted in favor of Vazquez’s motion to censure.
“What has happened is an unfortunate situation that reflects badly on the city,” said Cox.
In what the council called a “unique situation,” Kunkel and Greenstein were allowed to vote in the motion.
The city’s legal counsel said they were allowed to vote because they are “not receiving the direct benefit one way or the other.”
Lacey Mayor Andy Ryder joined both Kunkel and Greenstein as they voted against the motion to censure. Councilmember Malcolm Miller didn’t vote at first. When asked by the mayor about his vote, Miller said, "Even if I did, it's gonna be a deadlock," indicating that he might have been in favor of the motion to censure. When pressed to vote, Miller also voted no.
KING5 Seattle shared a report about the sign removal, in which you can watch Kunkel remove the sign with Greenstein from the coffee stand.
According to The Olympian, Kunkel removed the Clouse political sign out of “habit.” He claimed that other times that he and Greenstein put their signs in the ground, that the owners had requested that they remove other political signs that were not supposed to be there.
In a report by KIRO7, Kunkel says that the video was a misunderstanding. Kunkel claimed that other property owners had said her signs were not supposed to be there and that Clouse had trespassed. Another claim he makes is that it is a misunderstanding, as they are not running in the same race.
“Clouse denies the accusations,” according to the KIRO7 report. She learned about Kunkel’s taking the sign last week.
Brandee Hay, owner of the Great NW Coffee Co. told KIRO7, “I don’t think breaking the law is appropriate and I don’t think you should be able to get away with that as you hold power.”
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Owner of the location says they did not have permission. The fellow accused says removing the sign a "habit". Yet no censure. Boooooooo, bad form at the minimum, Lacey council just proved to be a corrupt organization, could not even vote for the obvious slap on the wrist. If I were living in Lacey, would certainly vote against all voted no.
Sunday, July 30, 2023 Report this
This is no political issue Mayor, it is simple theft of a political sign in violation of law. Apparently in Lacey Washington it is OK to violate state law if the Mayor deems it to be a political statement. Why has no one reported this infraction to local law enforcement or to the PDC? You could do that Mayor if that's OK with candidate Steadman.
Sunday, July 30, 2023 Report this
I am aware of tons of several local property/business owners who have requested that campaign signs of folks they do not support be removed from their property. That much I know is true. In fact, just about every candidate this year has violated that specific rule. However, it certainly would have been best practice to simply ask the property owner.
Monday, July 31, 2023 Report this
Oh, and the Lacey Council did the right thing here. This could have been handled at the lowest level, but somebody needed to make it into a political weapon.
Monday, July 31, 2023 Report this
Now if the circumstances had been reversed...let's say it was the female candidate 'removing' the male's sign, just imagine the huge stink.
This was pure malice on Kunkel's part. I'm betting he's a misogynist. How decent of him to 'take it upon himself' to take down a sign on someone's private property. Clouse's sign on the property was 'trespassing' but Kunkel removing it wasn't? What next? Will he be taking down Biden signs?
And Kunkel says he removed it 'out of habit'. So he admits to stealing other candidate signs? How many times has he stolen the signs of an opponent?
And if he's done that, I wonder what other crimes he's committed.
His is typical behaviour: Deny Everything. Admit Nothing. Make counteraccusations.
Mr. Kunkel needs to resign his position. And Lacey City Council, you need to grow some hunyocks. BEcause it really DOES reflect on your pusillanimous response to what is obviously theft.
Monday, July 31, 2023 Report this
When blatant theft and lies by elected officials go unpunished, does this encourage a free for all? What are their thoughts on ethics, family values, respect?
Monday, July 31, 2023 Report this