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This article has important information and an offer that should be accepted. The findings includes a list of common sense suggestions that need to be incorporated into the "Olympia Urban Area Housing Strategy --2024 to 2029". The City should accept Sam Green's offer to assemble an "example/model" of how the program could work and then be revised as the "Work Plan for the City and its distribution of funds, staff support and Council assignment to change existing policies and codes to support the program. The third key message from Paul Knox is that the City and the community needs to "have all hands on the SAME DECK". Housing for the LMI can also provide a spot for the "high" income so that the Olympia Urban Area Housing Strategy accommodates all citizens of the Urban Area---including the long list of "homeless, unhoused, mental illness and the long list of profit and not for profit organizations that are independently asking for funding support from area taxpayers. Let's have one Urban Area Plan that incorporates the suggestion from this article, then the model of how to do it, and then a multi stakeholder Board listed in the article to guide the decision making. Asking a sitting Council Person to become a banker, granter and expert on housing and homeless has proven to not work. Let's try something more inclusive with the end plan and objective being well defined.

From: Olympia needs 'hands-on-deck' approach to tackle affordable housing challenges, say consultants

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