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SSG and Deanima, is it not possible that elements of both of your arguments are correct? As far as climate change, I believe it is healthy to keep a mild skepticism of the theory. Let us remember that the vast majority of scientists have come together throughout history to claim a ton of things that have been wrong. And we look at some of the radicals in the field throughout history as some of the smartest now. So, to think we know everything about the processes that shape earth's climate exhibits a bit of arrogance. That being said, I have seen evidence that the earth is changing. Most people have. I've seen snow in Bahgdad on multiple occasions, I've seen droughts in Texas that extend longer than any time in history. I've seen invasive insects migrating to the forests of Washington that have never previously lived there. I've even seen coral dying off the coast of Hawaii. So, I also think there is a bit of arrogance in the thought that humans do not affect the world around them, or that using up the earth's resources won't change the earth in both known and unknown ways. I d, however, agree that the government has become obsessed with climate change at all costs and forgotten their obligation to ensure that humans are provided basic services. I do believe the government is drunk on power and money. And the more climate regulation they create, the more you can blatantly see their lack of concern for everyday working people. Sometimes I wonder which is the top priority for local government. Providing people shelter, food, water, etc., or saving the climate even if it means people have to live in caves again because they can't afford a home.

From: Olympia Climate Program seeks candidates for key positions

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