Olympia Climate Program seeks candidates for key positions


Olympia has announced openings for two positions in its Climate Program.

Climate Resilience Coordinator

The ideal candidate for this role will possess a diverse skill set including knowledge of climate change adaptation and resilience science, policy, and planning.

They should have expertise in sea level rise adaptation, comprehensive planning, climate risk and vulnerability assessments, and effective stakeholder outreach.

A crucial aspect of the position is a deep understanding of the intersection between climate change and social justice, demonstrated through a proven record of working with frontline communities immensely impacted by climate change.

Other key qualifications include the ability to analyze both quantitative and qualitative information, effective written and oral communication skills for professional and public audiences, and proficiency in project management.

Interested individuals can find a detailed job description and apply here.

Climate Program Specialist

The ideal candidate should possess knowledge of climate change trends, impacts, and solutions, with a focus on mitigation, adaptation, and preparedness strategies.

Strong communication skills, both written and oral, are essential, along with the ability to navigate challenging situations with tact and sensitivity is required.

The role involves proficiency in analyzing and presenting information, as well as the ability to independently manage multiple projects.

Detailed information about the Climate Program Specialist position and the application process can be found here.

To be considered for the first review of applications, interested candidates must submit their resumes and cover letters by midnight on Monday, January 15.

Cover letters should be no more than two pages long and should provide specific examples of how the applicant meets the ideal candidate profile outlined for each position.

For inquiries about the positions, individuals can contact Dr. Pamela Braff, Director of Climate Program, at 360-753-8249 or through her email.

General application questions can be directed to the human resources email.


13 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Southsoundguy

    Climate change is a scam. This whole program needs to be ended and the tax dollars returned to citizens.

    Friday, January 5 Report this

  • JnNwmn

    The City has a Climate Director, and now wants to hire 2 more specialists. 3 paid Climate staff seems questionable for a City this size. There are salaries, healthcare and retirement benefits to pay for.

    Friday, January 5 Report this

  • wildnature

    This is great! The Nisqually River Council has done work safe guarding us in light of climate change. Perhaps they have someone with this experience needed, to spare?

    Friday, January 5 Report this

  • Deanima

    SSG is out in full glory with more inane, uninformed comments.

    Friday, January 5 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Deanima, what’s inane and uninformed? Have you ever looked into the physics of so-called global warming? Do you know what the CO2 UV absorption spectrum is? Do you understand the physics and economics underlying power generation? Are windmills and solar really making any power we use? Have you ever wondered why politicians will make broad claims about imminent destruction at the hands of climate change, yet they always have to move the goals posts? Have you noticed how all of these programs appear to be means of transferring wealth and expanding government?

    Before you call me inane and uniformed, go research some of this instead of blindly following whatever the government tells you. It doesn’t have your best interest at heart.

    Saturday, January 6 Report this

  • Deanima

    SSG, I call you inane and uninformed, not just because of your cherry-picked views regarding climate change, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of the scientific community and the daily evidence that deniers want to ignore, but also because of your idiotic banging on the drum to abolish zoning and just about everything that has to do with planning for the future. You are the Jolt's version of an armchair quarterback, saying lots, doing nothing.

    Monday, January 8 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Deanima, what is cherry-picked? I just listed several items that when looked at and understood, totally undermine the narrative around climate change. It is a government growth/wealth transfer scheme. Provide evidence otherwise. As for my zoning comments, again, what evidence do you have that zoning does anything other than strip people of property rights and lead to gradual expansion of government? You say plan for the future; are property owners incapable of doing that themselves? Who says a democratic body is better suited to tell others what they can and can't do on their land? "Oh, people will just build factories wherever...,"--no, they won't, because we have something called the common law.

    If I strike you as an idiotic armchair quarterback, you strike me as complacent know-nothing liberal boomer who has done nothing but consume your entire life, milks the government for "rights" and is leaving nothing behind for future generations. Call that "planning?" I will continue to bang the drum until someone provides evidence that indisputably refutes me.

    Monday, January 8 Report this

  • Deanima

    SSG I am 63 years old, you dope. I have a Master Degree in Environmental Science, and I actually read and study the overlwhelming majority of actual scientists who, through experimentation and documentation, are doing their best to sound the alarm to counteract the false narrative of luddites like yourself. And, much to your horror, I would suppose, I have worked in the evil government that you so heavily rely on for over 3 decades. Now, get back to your nachos and duck dynasty marathon while others around you actually do things, dummy.

    Tuesday, January 9 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Deanima, so my guess was right. Meanwhile, you aren't even close on me (weakness of liberal biases). The problem with your position is these people you put on a pedestal have been sounding some kind of alarm since the 70's. None of it came true. In fact, the Little Ice Age ended in the mid-1800s and CO2 ppm was below 150, at which point plant life begins to die. The focus now on C02 is especially pernicious because it is essential to the formation of life on this planet. The anti-CO2 crusade seems more like population control. Since you have a degree in reviewing made-up models, again, have you looked at C02 absorption spectrums? How much more temperature rise can actually be attributed to increasing ppms of CO2 (its a logarithmic relationship, btw)? Is it even a good thing to reduce CO2 considering it would lead to mass death? Is it not true that in prior epochs CO2 levels were substantially higher and the planet was filled with life? I genuinely wonder how many boomers can truly come to grips with the depths of their own self-absorbed nihilism. It is one of the tragedies of Modernity. One day your age cohort will no longer be on this planet, and the rest of us will begin the process of cleaning up the self-absorbed mess you created.

    Tuesday, January 9 Report this

  • Deanima

    SSG, someone bonked you upside the head with the definition of "liberal" and all we heard was a hollow sound. You don't even know the meaning of the words you spew. I guess you, like so many armchair quarterbacks, think it means "left." Go read a book. As Immanuel Kant said (look him him), no matter how learned or well read a person may be, want of judgment, commonly know as stupidity, is a deficiency for which there is no cure. Now get back to your nachos. I'm done,

    Tuesday, January 9 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Deanima, thanks for the meaningful exchange. I really see your points and how they are correct.

    Tuesday, January 9 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    SSG and Deanima, is it not possible that elements of both of your arguments are correct? As far as climate change, I believe it is healthy to keep a mild skepticism of the theory. Let us remember that the vast majority of scientists have come together throughout history to claim a ton of things that have been wrong. And we look at some of the radicals in the field throughout history as some of the smartest now. So, to think we know everything about the processes that shape earth's climate exhibits a bit of arrogance. That being said, I have seen evidence that the earth is changing. Most people have. I've seen snow in Bahgdad on multiple occasions, I've seen droughts in Texas that extend longer than any time in history. I've seen invasive insects migrating to the forests of Washington that have never previously lived there. I've even seen coral dying off the coast of Hawaii. So, I also think there is a bit of arrogance in the thought that humans do not affect the world around them, or that using up the earth's resources won't change the earth in both known and unknown ways. I d, however, agree that the government has become obsessed with climate change at all costs and forgotten their obligation to ensure that humans are provided basic services. I do believe the government is drunk on power and money. And the more climate regulation they create, the more you can blatantly see their lack of concern for everyday working people. Sometimes I wonder which is the top priority for local government. Providing people shelter, food, water, etc., or saving the climate even if it means people have to live in caves again because they can't afford a home.

    Wednesday, January 10 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Yeti, I actually do agree that the climate is changing, but I utterly oppose fake political "solutions" that are merely methods of stealing middle-class wealth and expanding government power. The earth is changing, it always has been and always will be. The notion that we need to somehow freeze the state of the system where it currently is (or regress) is utter hubris. This planet was meant to be abundant in life and more CO2 and additional warming distributed around the globe will facilitate that. I also agree that humans do affect the environment; I am not for polluting the planet. At the same time, natural human activity is going to create CO2, because it is a necessary component to life. To connect this with some of the points I raised with Deanima, the idea that additional CO2 coming into the atmosphere will somehow cause runaway warming is demonstrably false (see: CO2 absorption spectrum saturation) and the arguments for it are based on incorrect modeling and outright falsehoods. Rather, we need MORE CO2 to support abundant life in all forms. In closing, we are not the masters of this planet, but we are its stewards. We ought to recognize the limits of our control over the total system and, like you say, not sacrifice civilization to politically empower a few. Sidenote: the government (in current form) should not be providing people with basic necessities, we should be doing it for ourselves (democratic government is crypto-oligarchy).

    Thursday, January 11 Report this