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The only thing the jolt seems to ever want to be clear about is how disdainful they are about unsheltered humans. We ran around and played those bb gun war games as kiddos too. Not that big of a deal. I mean sure, you could "put your eye out " but not likely. I don't know the staff. Sounds like they need a thicker skin for the job. If you aren't there for the people you should not be there. Going to school and getting a degree is not anything like having life experiences. Staff often don't understand how to treat people in camps as they would want to be treated themselves, or how they want say their mom or dad or other loved ones treated. They are just doing a job so the people in the camps become more of a product in their minds. They tell themselves that they are trying to help, but have little interest in seeing sheltered people as equals to themselves. It's too bad for the workers, sounds like they need an easier job, with products to move around not one dealing with people or as grandpa used to say- you can't run with the big dogs if you're still peeing like a puppy. How many tiny boxes "homes" can you stuff into one small space!? Why aren't these people treated as deserving a little space? We all need a little space for good mental health. I feel sad for the obviously traumatised man in this story, frustrated with the author and the puppy staff member.

From: Resident of downtown homeless camp accused of firing BB gun at staff member

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