Everything you ever wanted to know about #GivingTuesday and more than that


Congratulations, you survived Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Second-Hand Sunday (this is a new one for me) Cyber Monday and now Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday, December 30 and December 31 are the three biggest days of the year for charitable donations, as the highest number of people give money to nonprofits on those days. By now, I am sure you have heard of #GivingTuesday but you may not know the background of how this day started.

It's Not just about Money

#GivingTuesday began in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past ten years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

#GivingTuesday is more than a day to donate; it has become an inclusive and pluralistic community of millions of givers, with activity in every country on every continent to build the world we want to live in. Post-pandemic, #GivingTuesday now emphasizes opportunities to give back to communities and causes in safe ways that allow for social connection and kindness even while still practicing physical distancing. But it does not have to stop today

What if every Tuesday was #GivingTuesday?

One of my favorite lines is from A Muppet Christmas Carol, which says, “make the feeling of last all year.” The folks at #Giving Tuesday have launched a campaign to do just that.

#GivingEveryTuesday is a series of weekly opportunities to come together to give, volunteer, and show kindness in shared moments with communities, causes and countries around the world. Here are some ideas on how you can keep giving every Tuesday throughout the year – if nothing else, it will certainly make Tuesdays more special!

  • Ask for donations instead of birthday gifts
  • Give someone you love flowers for no reason.
  • Paint some rocks with inspirational messages and leave them throughout town

Give to your neighbors

  • Help a neighbor with yard work or other chores
  • Offer to pick up groceries for your neighbor.
  • Making dinner? Make some extra for a neighbor.
  • If you know someone is a caregiver, offer to provide an hour of caregiving.
  • Plan a neighborhood block party so everyone can get to know one another.
  • Find a Little Free Library in your community and drop off some books or organize a Free Store in your neighborhood.
  • Beautify a corner of your neighborhood by planting flowers or cleaning up.

Give a bit of kindness to a stranger

Sometimes a kind word is all you need to start a chain of generosity that lasts throughout the day. Here are a few of my favorites…

  • Go to a dog park and pass out dog treats or pick up poop, even if it does not belong to your dog!
  • Pay for the coffee or meal of the person behind you in line.
  • Talk to someone who doesn’t look like you and try to find something you have in common.
  • Keep a case of water, granola bars, and socks in your car to give to people.
  • When paying your utility bills, check and see if there is an option to donate to help others with their bill payments.

Give to those who help you

  • Write a letter by hand to someone who’s made a difference in your life.
  • Give a service worker a generous tip.
  • Leave some snacks for your mail carrier or delivery person
  • Don’t forget to thank your waste disposal workers too!

Give a bit of kindness even online

Go beyond a "like" and make a point to offer positive feedback, compliments, and gratitude to as many people as you can online and ignore the trolls.

  • Text 10 people and give them a compliment.
  • Post your favorite cause on social media or text ten friends and family members to tell them about #GivingTuesday
  • Contact local officials, urging them to support fair policies and funding for social services
  • Publicly acknowledge the accomplishment of someone who deserves more recognition.
  • Share a positive review of a small business on Yelp or Google.
  • Write a LinkedIn recommendation for a colleague.

 Keep track of which of these you do, and let me know! Let’s see if we can make Tuesdays extra special in Thurston County!


Soliciting your ideas

If you know of a nonprofit that is doing something great, celebrating a success, needs some outstanding volunteers, or hosting an event, let me know! This column (aside from a little education) celebrates nonprofits!

Mary Beth Harrington, CVA (Certified Volunteer Administrator) lives in Tumwater. She travels the country speaking at conferences and to individual organizations articulating issues facing nonprofits. Send your ideas to her at


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