New Transportation Priorities Survey seeks your input


Whether you walk, drive, bike, ride the bus or find another way to get around, there’s a new survey to help regional planners to make more and better decisions about new roads, bus routes and more.

To assess the community’s needs, the Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) is encouraging residents to take the online Transportation Priorities Survey.

In addition, the TRPC also mailed a postcard to county residents which includes a link and a bar code to the survey.  The survey is available in English and Spanish. 

The questions range from the type of transportation a respondent takes to the frequency of their trips. In addition, the survey also assesses whether the reliability of vehicles may affect a respondent’s work and school opportunities.

The TRPC is made up of 23 members from different jurisdictions and organizations. They usually conduct monthly meetings to discuss and address issues relating to the county’s growth.

In the past, the council had developed a Regional Travel Demand Model as a guide in making informed decisions on the transport services and infrastructures that the county needed to invest in. These include supporting programs such as State Commute Trip Reduction, Traffic Impact Studies, Travel Demand Management , and regional land use and transportation policy evaluation.


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