A repeated vandalism suspect was arrested for the sixth time in the past seven weeks, this time for breaking a grocery store window because he was angry, on Saturday, July 31.
Adan Rincon, 38, who lists his address as “transient, Olympia,” has had numerous malicious mischief, vandalism and graffiti arrests in the past few weeks. He was arrested on July 31 for walking up to the Capitol Lake Grocery at 511 Capitol Way S, kicking the window, shattering it.
Rincon’s actions were caught on a surveillance camera.
After being detained by Olympia police, Rincon admitted to kicking the window but not shattering it.
Rincon was booked into the Olympia jail for malicious mischief.
On Monday, Aug. 2, Rincon was brought in front of the Olympia Municipal Court for arraignment on several past arrests. See related stories.
The Olympia prosecutor recommended Community Court for Rincon but did ask for an exclusion order, banning Rincon from the City of Olympia. See related story about Community Court.
The Olympia Municipal Court allowed for the Community Court hearing to be scheduled for Aug. 11, but denied the exclusion order, releasing Rincon without any bail requirement. A recording of the hearing is posted below this story.
This is the recording of Olympia Municipal Court arraignment of Adan Rincon on August 2, 2021.
6 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
Letting this guy loose on the community to keep vandalizing over and over must be frustrating to all the businesses that have been harmed. This ruling which allows him to continue to be on in the streets in Olympia between now and his hearing makes no sense to me. Can someone explain this? This is a real slap in the face for all downtown businesses.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 Report this
I agree how frustrating this is, particularly to businesses, and the City of Olympia to have this type of behavior continue. I'm also extremely frustrated with our system. You see, I'm his older sister. We have tried to get him help for his mental health problems, which he was been disabled from since early 20s. I've even taken him to rehabilitation facilities where they have refused to take him, even when he has asked for help. We've went to mental health facilities that have sent him home, even though he was a danger to self and others (In Oregon). We even went as far as getting custodial rights to help with getting help so that he can be stable and productive. Although we got custody, it also failed. As some may know, when you have mental health issues and then an addiction to drugs, it is a very hard combination to get proper treatment. Even jail time, as you have seen, for repeated offenses. My brother has been a productive member of Olympia in the past when he helped run a successful pizza place not so long ago. He also is a talented artist, although currently it doesnt seem like it. I hope that the Community Court is able to provide the consequences and support that is needed for many transient people. I'm not making excuses at all. I do feel that people need to have consequences, and if jail is it, then so be it. My intent with sharing this is to apologize to the City and its residents for what my brother has done. I wish that you all knew him when he was well. He is a great, caring human being, maybe to a fault. So if you see him around, remind him he has a family who loves him and we hope he can get his life on track again. I mean no disrespect to anyone. If I thought it would help I would take his punishment. However, most of you know that it is enabling and he needs to do what is right on his own decision. If you have ideas on what else can be done, I'm open to suggestions. I want to mention again that we don't condone this behavior and know he can be better and consequences are unavoidable. Thanks for taking the time to read this and allowing me to give another point of view.
Sunday, August 8, 2021 Report this
Zimaleye: Thank you so much for this back ground. No easy answers, no quick solutions. We just don't have the power to bring family to help. I believe a jail sentence is his fastest and most likely path back to productive society. Since he has a supportive family, this is a case I'll be following. He has a chance.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Report this
Incarceration does not help mentally ill people. People can yell “lock em up” but the reality is that in 6 months or a year when they get out they have all the same problems. We need to put our money and resources towards treatment. When you have a mental illness you are often unaware of it. It’s called agnosignosia. Commitment and treatment until a person is stable enough to understand the problem and gain some measure of control is the right course of action but taxpayers don’t want to fund it. They would rather shove millions into prisons that accomplish nothing for the mentally ill.
Thursday, August 12, 2021 Report this
I agree that incarceration is not a place for treatment for drug addiction and / or mental illness. If anything it can make things much worse. These institutions are not equiped.
Nor is letting people like your brother loose on the Street.
I'm sorry that our system is so broken and that we do not have facilities and the personnel to handle mental illness exasperated by drug addiction. We all lose. I'm so sorry for you and your family and your brother. Our society is broken. And I think the kinds of drugs that we have on in the street have had a lot to do with how broken it is. I also think our attitude about crime, addiction and incarceration needs complete rethinking. I don't think we're making any gains and I do think there's a lot of unintended consequences. And I like most people I'm frustrated with how dysfunctional our society has become.
Friday, August 20, 2021 Report this
Thank you for your comments regarding my post. My hope is that he considers the courts opportunity to join Community Court. However, without his proper medication it will continue to be an endless cycle. I don't understand how having gained guardianship and paying attorney fees is useful if his family can't place a mental health hold. He had over 10 yrs of being a positive citizen when he was first diagnosed and received treatment. I appreciate your support and hope our government can rethink the mental health laws. My prayer is that he remains safe long enough to receive the help he desperately needs. ♡
Friday, August 20, 2021 Report this