Reader Opinion

Now it is time to vote!



It’s election time! You’ve seen the yard signs, received mailers, NOW it is time to VOTE! Running for elected office is hard. All these candidates have put themselves out there working on our behalf to make Thurston County better. They have knocked on doors, fielded criticism, and are still out there trying. Thank you to all the candidates for stepping up.

I believe we are stronger together. We live in a democracy, which means we get to disagree. Our system demands we work with and listen to those who are different than us. There are places in the world where you're only allowed to think one way. This never works out well for the people. Think of it, never. When you look at someone who voted for a different president than you, do you think “Dang, I’m lucky to live in a place where we can disagree! High five to democracy, neighbor.” Maybe we should.

I will be voting for candidates I believe are most interested in governing and are seeking office to lend a hand and listen. Some of the people I'm voting for I agree with on a lot. Others, not so much, but I believe in their commitment to collaboration, and I believe this will make them better electeds. Inclusivity requires listening to those you disagree with. Governing requires collaboration. I'm voting for candidates who are committed to listening, collaborating, and governing.

When you fill out your ballot, I hope you feel a sense of agency, participating in the democratic process. Many are denied this privilege. Regardless of who you vote for, we are all neighbors, we are more alike than we are different, and a diversity of voices at the table always yields the best solutions. VOTE!

          ~ Amy Harding, Port Commissioner & Your Neighbor

The opinions expressed above are those of the writer and not necessarily those of  The JOLT's staff or board of directors.  Got something to say about a topic of interest to Thurston County residents? Send it to us and we’ll most likely publish it. See the Contribute your news button at the top of every page. 


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