Petitioners against the plans to reconfigure Olympia Regional Airport will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15, starting at 7 p.m. at the Olympia Center, Multipurpose Room A, 222 Columbia Street.
Stop Olympia Airport Growth group will lead the assembly to express their issues against proposed plans as part of the 2021 Airport Master Plan Update.
The group has initiated an online petition outlining several issues about the health and environmental impact of the proposed changes in the airport. They mentioned that noise and air pollution would increase and that water sources may be compromised, thus endangering the health of residents in the area.
The petition has 544 signatures as of press time.
The group is also concerned with the impact of the airport on wildlife as the surrounding area provides habitat for several endangered species and migratory birds pass near the airport.
Due to these various issues, the petitioners have demanded an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to be part of the Master Plan Update.
Plans for the airport mention that commercial flights will soon be accommodated. The group stated that this development would further disturb surrounding neighborhoods and schools, thus reducing property values in the area.
They are also concerned that the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) may demand the airport’s expansion to accommodate more traffic.
The plans for the airport also take into account emerging technologies such as electric aircraft. The group is concerned that the airport is preparing for unproven technologies and still in their early stages.
The Master Plan Update looks at the airport's development plans to meet both short- and long-term aviation demands. The update is required by the FAA every five to 10 years. A draft of the Master Plan Update will be ready by February for public review.
As plans to improve the airport are being reviewed, the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (CACC) is working on selecting a site for a new commercial service airport and are studying three potential sites, with one of them located to the east of Olympia.
The Port of Olympia, which oversees the Airport Master Plan Update, has repeatedly clarified that they are not associated with CACC. They have even endorsed a letter along with other Thurston County mayors rejecting the proposed airport.
UPDATE: November 15, 2022 -- this story was updated to include the start time of the meeting and the specific meeting room scheduled.
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