Transient man attacks Interfaith Works shelter staff


A transient man allegedly attacked an Interfaith Works Shelter employee and refused to leave the property on Saturday, May 8.

Olympia Police were dispatched to contact Kenneth Turney, 59, who continued to sit on the property stairs at 701 Franklin St SE and was allegedly yelling at passers-by.

Interfaith Works Shelter custodian Donald Hutchings said that the staff had asked Turney to leave and he refused. When Hutchings approached nearby dumpsters to throw away trash, Turney jumped off of the stairs and “pushed and swung” at Hutchings.

Another Interfaith employee, Talauna Reed, told officers that Turney was “being very aggressive toward everyone walking by” and called her a “bitch” and told her to “shut the fuck up or I’ll knock you both on your ass” after she and another female employee were nearby talking.

Olympia Police contacted Turney, highlighting in the report that Turney has had several “disorderly” complaints. Turney allegedly has significant mental health and severe speech impediment issues that hinder communication. During contact with Turney, officers say they found that Turney was rambling incoherently, unable to provide an intelligible statement.

Turney was booked into Olympia Jail for assault.


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  • Tractor1

    For gods sake if these folks need help, voluntarily or involuntarily, get them help and quit excusing this behavior,\. If that proves to impossible

    .then send them to live with the city council on an indefinite basis.

    Thursday, June 3, 2021 Report this