Two new commercial buildings proposed for Briggs Village


Olympia’s Site Plan Committee held a presubmission hearing yesterday involving a proposed plan for one or two new commercial buildings in Briggs Village at 4510 Maple Lane SE.

The one-acre site also faces Henderson Boulevard SE.

According to Sheila Swalling of Swalling Walk Architects, the owners would like to build a two or three-story office building on the south portion of the site. She added a plan in the northern part of the site for a possible second building in the near future.

In the presubmission narrative submitted to the Site Plan Review team, the developers described the parcel  as currently vacant with sidewalks and two driveway entrances are already in place.

The developers stated they plan to subdivide the 41,582 square-foot parcel area into two lots. The south lot is for a professional office building, while the north lot would be for future development of a commercial building.

A dental clinic is proposed to occupy the second floor of the larger building..

The developers inquired about the number of exit stairs required for 600 sq. ft. staff lounge and for an approximately 400 sq. ft. roof deck.

Jackson Ewing, an associate city planner, said this project would be subjected to multiple design reviews, including Briggs Village design review standards and general commercial standards.

Design and other reviews

In the commercial development standards, Ewing said one specific standard that comes into play is the weather covering along the frontage of the building.

“There is also a requirement for a five-foot awning around 60% of portions of the building that is fronting a street,” he added.

"An additional concern that I had was impervious surface coverage limits. It doesn't look like a calculation was provided on the plan," Ewing told Swalling. "But you are limited to 85% coverage of an individual lot."

Noting that the parking lot islands seemed undersized, Ewing said he would provide the developers with specific criteria for sizing the interior parking islands.

According to Ewing, a wellhead protection area is associated with the parcel. "There will likely be a requirement for a pesticides protection plan for the landscaping plan from Thurston County Environmental Health Review."

The project triggers a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review. Ewing said applicable agencies would require an environmental checklist.

Engineering evaluation

Engineering plans examiner Tiffani King informed the developers that any project that creates more than 5,000 sq.ft. of impervious or hard surface must do a full drainage plan per the 2016 Drainage Manual.

She requested that the engineer in this project should apply for a scheduled meeting for the stormwater scoping meeting. The application can be sent to her. "That will need to happen before you make any application for Land Use."

King commented that the concept plan for the project's solid waste is good. But she asked the developers to have a solid waste meeting as well.

King told Swalling to provide them with a turning template on the site plan. "We want to make sure that you are providing enough space. There are certain spacing requirements for the solid waste enclosure."


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