OLYMPIA – In response to Governor Inslee’s announcement on January 18, 2021, to use all stored vaccinations by Sunday, January 24, the Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department (PHSS) is partnering with Providence Health and Services of Southwest Washington to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to Thurston County residents who meet eligibility requirements for both Phase 1A and Phase 1B Tier 1.
Special clinics for this population will be held beginning tomorrow, January 21, through Saturday, January 23, by appointment only. A limited number of doses are available and appointments will be created on a first-come, first-served basis.
In order to be eligible for an appointment, individuals must meet the requirements below:
Phase 1A
Phase 1B Tier 1
To request an appointment, complete the form on the COVID-19 website. If you meet the requirements, you will receive a link to schedule your appointment via email. Appointments will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you do not receive an email with a link to schedule an appointment, capacity has been met. The link to the form on the website will be removed as soon as it is clear capacity has been met for this vaccination clinic. Supplies are limited and PHSS is working in conjunction with Providence and various community partners to distribute vaccines as quickly as it becomes available.
Please note:
“We know many more people are now eligible and seeking locations to get the vaccine,” said Director, Schelli Slaughter. “We are excited to help connect those who qualify now to available vaccine and we are grateful to our partner providers for their incredible work in standing up clinics so quickly.”
PHSS is also in the final week of providing vouchers to those who are eligible in Phase 1A for the COVID-19 vaccine per the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) guidelines. If you have not registered for a voucher with PHSS, please follow the steps outlined in the document titled, To Enroll in Phase 1A COVID-19 Vaccine.
“It is imperative for people in Phase 1A to get their COVID-19 vaccine now,” said Dr. Dimyana Abdelmalek, Thurston County Health Officer. “We want those with the highest risk to get their vaccine early. If you haven’t already received your shot, we can help connect you with a provider.”
To request an appointment for the January 21-23, 2021 clinic, visit https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/phss/Coronavirus/Pages/CoronavirusVaccineClinic.aspx.
For more information about how to register with PHSS for a voucher for Phase 1A, visit: https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/phss/Coronavirus/Pages/coronavirus-vaccine-info.aspx.
Clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, and medical providers interested in administering the COVID-19 vaccine must enroll in the federal COVID-19 Vaccination Program. For more information about how to enroll, visit: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/HealthcareProviders/VaccineInformationforHealthcareProviders.
For more information about Thurston County’s response to COVID-19, visit: https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/phss/coronavirus
The above information was provided by Thurston County Department of Health.
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