727 results total, viewing 141 - 160
Olympia residents are invited to participate in a digital open house scheduled for Thursday, May 16, at 5:30 p.m. to talk about improvements and support for the neighborhood centers in the city. … more
Tumwater city staff reported to the city council on Tuesday, May 7, the work accomplished through the city’s transportation benefit district in 2023. The taxing district funds street … more
Olympia Food Co-op, a local store in Olympia, has issued a recall for its organic walnut halves and pieces sourced from Gibson Farms, Inc., after the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), the … more
Intercity Transit (IT) won two top awards at the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) 2024 International Bus Roadeo competition, which was held last weekend in Portland, Oregon. … more
Tumwater’s hearing examiner, Mark Scheibmeir, approved on Monday, April 29, the site plan and conditional use permit for Tacoma resident Trevor Colby to construct a four-story storage facility … more
The Port of Olympia’s new executive director, Alexandra Smith, addressed dozens of questions last week, including about the marine terminal’s profitability and said she supports having … more
Army veteran Crystal Beeler made it clear that she wants the Olympia City Council to address the issue that VFW Post 318 says involves the actions of homeless individuals living in the nearby Unity … more
Olympia's Parking Services Program proposed several changes to downtown parking to address community concerns and serve local businesses and visitors better. Parking Service Program specialist … more
At Olympia's Land Use and Environment Committee meeting, Olympia associate planner Casey Schaufler presented the market analysis on neighborhood centers, which analyzed 12 existing centers and … more
Olympia is seeking recertification for the Creative District from the Washington State Arts Commission to further support the local creative sector in the next five years. more
Intercity Transit announced the enhancement to their bus services, with getting closer to pre-pandemic level of service as their goal. The transit authority outlined a series of adjustments … more
Olympia Councilmember Clark Gilman is challenging city staff to pursue bolder transportation reforms to make progress on climate and mobility goals. Joey Jones, the city’s Public Works … more
Intercity Transit’s (IT) board of directors authorized General Manager Emily Bergkamp to purchase five 40-foot hydrogen fuel cell electric buses from New Flyer of America Inc. for $8,950,435 on … more
The Olympia Marine Center LLC, owned by Austin Rognlin of Rognlin Motorsports and Marine, has been granted an option to remain a tenant of the Port of Olympia until 2054. The Port of Olympia … more
The Olympia Design Review Board approved a Detail Design Review recommendation for the proposed Dickerson South Bay BBQ restaurant during its Thursday, April 11 meeting. more
The South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC) invites everyone to its inaugural Career & Transfer Fair on Wednesday, May 15. Interested community members may visit SPSCC's Olympia Campus … more
Olympia's Parking Service Program specialist, Chelsea Baker, presented the city's plan to improve downtown parking, outlining strategy aims to serve drivers, pedestrians, and local businesses. … more
On Tuesday, April 16, the Board of County Commissioners approved an ordinance amending the county code to restructure the Fair Board, a citizen-led group that helps coordinate the county fairgrounds … more
The Port of Olympia is seeking $6.6 million to complete the investigation into Budd Inlet's contamination, according to Environmental Planning and Programs Director Shawn Gilbertson, who spoke to the … more
The Olympia City Council, on Tuesday, approved continued work on establishing a new tax audit program, which aims to improve business tax compliance for local establishments operating in the city. … more
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