84 results total, viewing 21 - 40
For the last couple months, I’ve been working with a small and very talented group of volunteers on the Save Our FDs campaign advocating No on Proposition 1.   It’s been … more
As the Superintendents of Thurston County school districts, we feel compelled to comment on the bills under consideration this legislative session for Special Education Funding. In 2018, the … more
Thank you, Danny Stusser and Ryan Vandergriff, for reviewing my rock biography, Somebody Else’s Dream: Dakota, the Buoys, and “Timothy,” especially Ryan’s description of … more
Cities make decisions all the time about whether to spend money on any given civic improvement, incentive program, service increase or addition.  That’s simply how government works.  … more
Many Western states have declared they will achieve all-renewable electrical goals in just two decades. Call me naïve, but haven’t energy experts predicted that wind, sun and other … more
There have been several articles posted in recent weeks that are largely in opposition to an April 25th, 2023 ballot measure on the Olympia-Tumwater Regional Fire Authority (RFA). These articles … more
Unless you've done what might be the smart thing and stopped watching national TV news, you know that there's a run-off election this week in Georgia to let the voters there vote for the third time … more
There is an issue on the ballot next week that is little talked about: that of moving the Port of Olympia from three to five Commissioners. This could be because there is little perspective to base a … more
Last night I stayed up late to watch the first episode of “Alaska Daily,” the new dramatic series on KOMO TV, channel 4 or 104, Seattle’s ABC affiliate. So far it features the … more
Just about every video game, young adult novel and buzz-worthy streaming series agrees that we need to prepare for a post-apocalyptic world. Up ahead, around a sharp curve or off a cliff, it is … more
The Weyerhaeuser Company is doing great these days. With net earnings of $2.6 billion last year, the company proclaimed, “Our 2021 financial performance was the strongest on … more
Okay, I get it. The city wants to incentivize the building of housing into specific areas, such as downtown or near the Capital Mall. How do the city council do it? They identify areas to improve … more
I own a small commercial property in downtown Olympia, a short walk from the port peninsula's Marine Terminal (what most of us call "the port"). Needless to say, over the years, I've taken a keen … more
Please indulge me as I present a most unusual view of Thurston County. Shown in the photo, it's a view from 40 miles away, about 2,500 feet high on a mountain in the Olympics.  I was there in … more
Some 2,500 or so people attended Capital City Pride Day at the Port Plaza in downtown Olympia last Saturday, June 4, some wearing COVID masks, others wearing very little at all. Most wore some kind … more
Recently giving Washington state places new names has been getting attention. For example, the federal Department of the Interior is proposing renaming geographical sites in Washington that currently … more
Election season is upon us as assorted candidates start pushing their messages and platforms. Speaking points range across the spectrum, from those supporting Trump and his fantasies to those … more
What baby? Did you know you had a baby? Of course, I’m talking about The JOLT, The Journal OF Olympia, Lacey & Tumwater – your community-owned nonprofit news organization, your … more
The Hearing Examiner for the City of Lacey recently issued a recommendation to allow construction of the Meridian Market Gas Station project in northeast Lacey despite resident concerns. The City … more
Blacks in Thurston County is a collection of 55 short biographies about Black people who came to Thurston County between 1950-1975. Each chapter is named for the person the stories are about; … more
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