1080 results total, viewing 941 - 960
Dear Lexis, I’ve been trying to declutter my house for the last few weeks, but I’ve determined that I can’t tackle the project alone. I hold too much sentiment to things and I … more
      being on the right side of history is not for sissies   Hikers are flooding our public … more
It’s time to revel in the glory of high summer – this annual peak experience of beauty and abundance in the garden, on the barbecue grill and at the beach. It’s time to call in … more
I have long had a love/hate relationship with telephones. When I was a kid, we had a three-digit phone number, an operator to whom we repeated the … more
Washington state Rep. Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen) recently made a mistake by misusing a symbol of the Holocaust -- wearing a yellow Star of David in protest of COVID-19 restrictions. It was apparently … more
Dear Lexis, People often tell me that my expectations in life are too high. They tell me that my dreams are impossible and that I shouldn’t keep trying to pursue such lofty goals. I know … more
Years ago my 15-year-old foster daughter asked me a question I’ll never forget: Why, she inquired, do you make a beautiful garden in the back yard, but not the front yard? Don’t you think … more
Okay, folks, it’s time for some fun! Now that we have been allowed back into society it’s time to remember there is more out there than the grocery store. For instance…the … more
It’s election season. Candidates have their websites up, signs are all over town, and we’re all trying to decide who will best represent our interests on the different councils and … more
Dear Editor, Right now, motorcyclists are taking in the beauty of our Washington summer. Whether you ride or know someone who does, it’s assuring to know that most Washington adults agree … more
 Dear Alexis, I’ve been struggling with depression lately; I can’t seem to find a good way to retain hope. It’s almost as if the world is beating up on me constantly and … more
Potted geraniums on a front porch are a pleasant greeting when you come home from work, and a visual treat for neighbors walking by. But plants in pots are more than a pleasantry. For people who … more
The recent heatwave was tough on everyone, but especially so for seniors. Fans flew off shelves, ice cubes were placed in front of them, clothes were removed and sleep was spotty at best. But we got … more
Dear Lexis, I’ve been talking with my wife about leaving my job for a while; however, the other day something happened at work and I decided to put in my notice. We didn’t plan on me … more
Most of us have known for decades that we live on a warming planet caused by carbon dioxide emissions, so last week’s heat wave should not have been a surprise. Even so, 109 degrees was a … more
He’s charming.  But you knew that. His name is Dick Pust and for 50 years, local old timers and newcomers alike, listened to his soothing voice on the radio. For 50 years he was … more
Like many folks, I’ve long had an appreciation for Olympia’s downtown.  Just the fact that we have one is a big deal and a huge community benefit.  Fun small businesses, a … more
Dear Lexis, I find that I'm angry or depressed a lot lately but I'm not really sure why that is. I know that there's a lot of good in my life, but that doesn't seem to matter. Any ideas on what I … more
In the spring and early summer, the world is full of perfect leaves, fast growth, and healthy, vigorous gardens. But now the solstice has passed, the heat’s been turned up – way up this … more
Now that you know what constitutes elder abuse (or see previous stories) whom do you contact if you suspect someone is being abused?  Getting Help: There are three main entities in our … more
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