Here are four brief news items related to the alleged actions of four men who are living homeless in Olympia, all from two days ago.
Destroyed retailer's metal detector
Mitchell Hunt, 27, was cited for malicious mischief and released on Tue., June 1, at 7:16 a.m., after allegedly damaging a metal detector worth a $1,000 at the Target store at 2925 Harrison Ave NW. Hunt told Olympia police that there were people that were being held there against their will at Target and that he was raising a flag to get help. Target store management told OPD that Hunt had entered Target, went to the grocery section, and started putting food in his bag. When confronted by Target management, Hunt swore at them, called them terrorists, then threw the bag at the door, wrestling the metal detection, and then exited the door. After Hunt was released he was transported by Olympia's Crisis Response Unit to Capital Medical Center.
Harassment of a retail shop owner
Kenneth Turney, 59, was arrested and booked into the Olympia jail for harassment with threats after an interaction between Turney and the owner of Delmonico’s Butcher Shop at 916 4th Ave E on June 1 at 10:53 a.m. Turney was breaking off branches to Delmonico’s trees, was asked to stop by the store owner, Brian McDonald, and Turney allegedly said that if McDonald called 911, Turney would just receive “a shower” and he would be “back to kill” McDonald. Turney’s case was referred to the Thurston Prosecutor’s Office for felony harassment charges. See related story.
Disorderly conduct - on foot in traffic
Jesse Martin, 41, was arrested and booked into the Thurston County Jail for disorderly conduct and felony assault of a police officer on June 1 at 4:02 p.m. Martin allegedly was throwing rocks at cars at Pacific Ave SE near the I-5 northbound onramp. Martin was observed slamming his hands on a truck that was waiting to exit the westbound lanes, then threw a plastic bottle at the vehicle when it drove away as Martin moved around to the passenger side of the truck, attempting to gain access. OPD arrested Martin, who began slamming his head into the patrol car’s cage, striking his head against the metal cage multiple times, then spat on officers, which is a third-degree assault charge.
Trespassing, pedestrian interference
Chase Wells, 30, was arrested for pedestrian interference at 3000 Cooper Point Rd NW on June 1 at 7:55 p.m. by Olympia Police. Wells had been reported to 911 dispatch at 4:50 p.m. by a staff member at the Five Guys restaurant as a suspicious person, then at 5:40 p.m. by Taco Bell for entering the establishment, ordering the food, then demanding his money back afterward. He was also upset about Taco Bell’s beans and said that they should not be called refried beans. Wells was informed by OPD that he was being verbally trespassed from Taco Bell. At 7:17 p.m., Wells was observed by OPD standing in the middle of Cooper Point Rd NW, causing a 4-door sedan to nearly collide with him in the middle of an intersection while Wells stood there and refused to move. The officer reported that “Wells appeared to continue to be out of touch with his surroundings.”
None of these individuals qualified for additional mental health services as a result of their behaviors on June 1.
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5 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
Well, if your goal is to stigmatize people who live outside as mentally ill and dangerous, you've achieved it with this article. In addition, you've managed to promote the stereotype that people with mental illness are dangerous and violent, when in fact people with mental illness are much more likely to be victims of assault and other crimes than perpetrators. Is this really what you are trying to promote?
Sunday, June 6, 2021 Report this
You’re the problem Ann. You’re as crazy as these heathens are. How can you possibly justify their criminal actions & then cry BOO HOO because they were called out & arrested for their crimes. Maybe you should go round them up & check all of you in to a psych ward. Get your head on straight & realize criminals, mentally ill or not, are still criminals. Do the crime, your name becomes public record. Kudos to JOKT & all the other news outlets sick of this crap happening.
Sunday, June 6, 2021 Report this
Oh come on now Ann. Criminal behavior is criminal behavior. If it can be contributed to mental health issues then they should be held for evaluation. But if they are out there causing harm to the general public, then they should not be on the streets. Your attitude only enables the behaviors which in the long run, makes you partly responsible for the harm they are causing. Want to help them? Get them to mental services, and, or, rehab. How are you going to feel when an innocent bystander is hurt or killed?
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Report this
Thank you for being thoughtful Ann. I'll add this link if I'm able:
You see, it all depends on what angle you look at something. My (and all of our ) brothers and sisters on the street deserve better than what "news" has decided to report.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Report this
I have met many amazing, kind, thoughtful, giving, loving people who just happen to not be lucky enough to have a proper home. Where are the jolt "news" reports about this!? Elitists will apparently always be haters, that's why all you read in this platform is hate for the unlucky unsheltered. Sad. All your education and you are still so ignorant.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Report this