Mike's story: Says he’s never been freer 

A story from the Jungle 


Standing in his makeshift house next to the wetlands in the east side of The Jungle, yesterday, Mike commented that he was free. 

 What is The Jungle? 

Located behind 3210 Pacific Avenue SE, the area is adjacent to other properties that face Martin Way. In June 2019, the City of Olympia bought the 6.75 acres for $237,000 dollars from the co-trustees of the Paul A. Bourgault Credit Shelter Trust.   

 At the time, the city planned to allow the long-standing homeless encampment to remain in place and to provide the unhoused living there with services. 

 “I don’t have everything I want, but I’ve got everything I need,” he said as he and his dog, Zeus, stepped outside into a backyard cluttered with a wide variety of tools, bicycle parts, pallets and several American flags. “I feel the best and freest I have ever felt.” 

Mike in his backyard
Mike in his backyard

 When asked about the flags, Mike replied, “I had a couple of relatives serve in the military, so I am a proud American.”  

Mike’s home and workshop

Also in the backyard is Mike’s workshop, a tarp-covered structure under which he has a fair number of tools.  

“I’m pretty good with bikes and most things like that,” he continued. When asked how he had acquired the tools he used and how he was compensated, he just smiled. “All I’ll say is that I’m a good capitalist.” 

Mike in his workshop.
Mike in his workshop.

He related that he had grown up in poverty in Tacoma in a house where abuse was the norm. Once out of high school, he said he worked in the lumber industry for a number of years before going to prison.  I was charged with possession of controlled substances and spent seven years behind bars.” He would not elaborate further.  

“I came here about three years ago, and when I found this concrete slab, I decided to build what you see here – it sure beats living in a tent or under a pile of tarps,” he continued.   

“I have an EBT card; I can get food and clothing; I can stay warm in my house; I have pretty much what I need,” he continued. When reminded that taxpayers were underwriting his existence, he said nothing. 

Mike in front of his home
Mike in front of his home

 The rumor isn’t true

While talking, several other unhoused Jungle residents came over and joined the discussion. Several mentioned that they had heard that the City of Olympia was offering $9,000 to those who would pack up and leave; however, all said they were not sure if or when this would happen.  

“But I’ll tell you what,” concluded Mike as he turned to head back toward his workshop, “With that kind of money, I could find a piece of land and build something on it like I’ve got here. That would make me very happy.” 

When asked if the City of Olympia planned on spending $9,000 per homeless person in the Jungle for them to leave, Kim Kondrat, the city’s homeless response coordinator said, No! The city has no intention of doing anything like this.” 


8 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • OlyGuy

    So happy for Mike. Glad he can steal tools, bicycles, and whatever else he wants so he can feel "free" in Olympia. He's got a free EBT cash flow, easy property to steal, and free land to squat on.

    Happy Olympia is a place that allows him to make the residents feel less "free" as we lock up everything, fence everything off, pay higher taxes, feel less safe, and watch a wetland be ruined by their trash.

    Wake up people.

    Tuesday, March 5 Report this

  • Bigjules

    Seven years incarcerated puts a different spin on freedom.

    So lucky for Mike.

    Tuesday, March 5 Report this

  • staynavytom

    THere’s a saying that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Maybe we need a different approach to homelessness. When I talk to people about homelessness, the predominant comment is trash. Maybe we fix that and we won’t have such a reaction to people living in tents in the trees.

    Tuesday, March 5 Report this

  • FordPrefect

    I wonder what Mike thinks of the proposed pet licensing fee increase.

    Thursday, March 7 Report this

  • Boatyarddog


    The "jungle" is next to, not in the wet lands.

    The biggest source of pollution would be The Roadway and Traffic Also from CARS automoti ve, a repair facility that didn't give much thought to enviroment.

    I know for a fact, i worked there for about 6 Months.

    Until I realized how Horriable they were to employees and the Enviroment...2011.

    Anyone that believes they will be able to buy raw land and have services too for even 10000 is not thinking straight.

    Everyone deserves a home, place to regroup, safe residency.

    How you can be so sure anyone steals, or robs or scams for their meager existance is a problem.

    You (olyguy) and others that use deframation of specfic individuals, are on thin ground legally and Morally.

    You have Proof of Guilt?

    Its NOT free land either, it's Private Property owned by The City, and Monitored by such.

    No, Your just another complaint without a means to a Positive Outcome.

    I don't condone Houselessness, NOR do I condone Complainers without Intelligent Senarios to address and HELP those without the same Opportuinities as You have had.

    Saturday, March 9 Report this

  • Sunrunner5150

    First off nothing Mike has is stolen. Not his tools or his bikes. The reporter got it wrong when saying Mike had done prison time. Great reporting. Maybe one of us in the jungle should submit a accurate report. Free sure we're free, just as free as everyone else. There's no difference between us. I know a lot of unhoused people that are sober and I know a lot of housed people that are high. None of us want to be out here were just make the best of a fu@ked up situation.

    Sunday, March 10 Report this

  • Capo253

    Talk about some bullshit reporting. U shouldn't be reporting about people without getting ut facts straight. About 5% of that was accurate, the rest, is made up. Most of those words never came out of his mouth. Capitalist yes, American yes, prison? No, lifetime of abuse? Was never said. It's bad reporting like yours that gets everyone thinking this fucked up ****. And u lied about who u worked for in order to get this interview. If the truth was known u woulda been chased out of the jungle.

    U people come in here and attempt to make us look like criminals, drug addicts, and freeloaders. It's not even like that, there are those that use and those that don't, some of us have jobs, some are hiding or running from only they know. And it's their business as well, don't care where u come from, why ur here. That's why we're here. This is why ur not a real reporter, cuz u only know how to write fiction. Don't come back here again.

    Sunday, March 10 Report this

  • Oly1963

    These stories both crack me up and infuriate me! I laugh because of all the comments that this topic illicits. People are so blind - I guess you all have never considered where your money is going - what you are actually paying for or what your vote actually means. Albert Einstein made famous the phrase “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” That is exactly what's happening to Olympia. I laugh because that's all I have left to offer - it really is like watching a very bad, tragic comedy.

    This all infuriates me for the exact same reasons that I laugh. I'm financially supporting Mike and all of his friends and neighbors in the jungle and all of their bad decisions. I'm sick of it - but I only offer one vote. The only other option I have is to take my money elsewhere....which I do when I can and have that option. I rarely spend time in Olympia anymore. Why would I? Olympia for me is a drive through space - when the freeway is crowded and I still need to get a cross the county. There are good restaurants in Shelton, in Tacoma, in Centralia. There is entertainment at the Casinos, in Yelm at the theater, and other places where safety isn't a concern. Go there - discover the world outside of Olympia. If enough people do that - maybe then the City Council will wake up and realize that their repeated decisions really have equalled insanity!

    Monday, March 11 Report this