826 results total, viewing 81 - 100
Grant-funded rebates program to launch in January 2025 Around $400,000 will be available to Tumwater … more
Olympic Region Clean Air Agency offers financial incentives to those willing to ditch or replace wood stoves. Residents who want to upgrade or get rid of their wood stoves may qualify for a cash incentive.   The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) announced Tuesday, September 17, … more
Police chief reassured committee: strategic growth plan is a living document to be revisited  Tumwater council members who are also part of the Public Health and Safety Committee expressed their concerns about the public engagement process that led to the police department’s strategic growth … more
The third annual Tumwater Falls Fest will open on Saturday, September 28, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls. The festival features local musicians, artists, … more
Supporters of the Davis Meeker Gary Oak tree along Old Highway99 may further delay Tumwater’s plan to cut down the historic tree after a partial win at a court hearing on Friday, Sept. 6. … more
School District, Chamber of Commerce collaboration provides visitor services, retail, and work-based learning The Tumwater Retail and Tourism Visitors Center had its grand opening on Tuesday, September 3.   Located at 5304 Littlerock Road, the center will aim to provide hospitality and … more
The local events set for this weekend and next week would be fun for families and friends. more
Olympia is seeking public input to officially name three park properties – the Olympia Armory, Yelm Highway Community, and Kaiser Woods Park.    The city will be collecting name … more
Tumwater City Council okayed plans for pavement repairs on Crosby Boulevard and Israel Road. As part of the council’s consent agenda on Tuesday, September 3, the council authorized the … more
Intercity Transit is experiencing technical difficulties with Google and Trip Planner not showing accurate trip information. The trips that are shown are expected to continue to not be accurate until … more
District showcases bus driver hiring rates, plans new consolidated routes To avoid school bus delays, the Tumwater School District hired 46 drivers upon the opening of the academic year and mulls on adding more as consolidated routes are being considered. Ben Rarick, … more
Tumwater Public Works Committee endorsed to its city council an agreement with Lacey to acquire Lacey’s water rights at the Brewery Wellfield for $2,400,461. The purchase includes transferring … more
Tumwater Mayor Debbie Sullivan signed a $48,000 contract with Todd Prager & Associates on Thursday, August 22, to conduct another risk assessment of the Davis-Meeker Garry Oak tree. The mayor … more
Enjoy the weekend by supporting charitable causes in the locality. more
Intercity Transit’s (IT) board of directors authorized engineering firm KPFF to design and plan improvements for 157 bus stops.   The agency previously tasked KPFF, its on-call … more
The county successfully collected quality data on homelessness among single adults. Nonprofit Community Solutions announced in a case study on Friday that Thurston County became the fifth community nationwide to collect quality data... … more
Spammy the mascot scheduled to appear   The Tumwater branch of L&L Hawaiian Barbecue is hosting its fourth annual Spam Musubi Day on Thursday, August 8.   Spam musubi is a … more
The City of Tumwater is now accepting applicants who seek to receive funding from lodging taxes. more
Blood banks across Washington are experiencing a severe shortage of lifesaving blood and blood products.   According to a Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH) news release, the … more
At its July 29 meeting, the Tumwater School District ( TSD ) Board held a public hearing on the proposed 2024-25 budget and extended its General Fund budget for the current year.   more
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